Stitches & Picks Podcast

Time active: 2021-2023

No. of Episodes: 20

About the Podcast

In many business and marketing podcasts about starting a side hustle and building it to profitability, you often hear: “I worked a day job I wasn’t happy with and I did this thing at night. Now, look at me with a 6-, 7-, or 8-figure business.”

But what is that messy middle? What’s it actually like balancing a day job, family commitments, physical and mental well-being, and building something on the side?

Hosts, Dave Dougherty and Kristen Juve, leverage their experiences from graduating into the Great Recession with arts degrees, becoming marketers for Fortune 100 companies, and now starting their own websites on the side while balancing their day jobs, young families, physical and mental health, etc.

Content Mission

Stitches & Picks is where people interested in building their own small business or starting a side hustle based on their interests can find useful information, advice, insights, resources, and inspiration.